''...If you knew me I'm not like this
But I just found someone special
And that's really something special
If you knew me
Nice to meet you anyway
And the sky opened up
With the soil of the sun
But I just found someone special
And that's really something special
If you knew me
Nice to meet you anyway
And the sky opened up
With the soil of the sun
Dreaming of my true love
So before this goes too far
So before this goes too far
Let me tell you what you are
You're amazing, I'm attracted
Cause I just found someone special
And that's really something special...''
Gavin Degraw- nice to meet you anyway.
Gavin fez parte da transição da minha adolescência para a vida adulta(a lot of memories!).Acordei com a letra desta música na cabeça e decidi postar!
~ and I really did. I really found it.
liinda a musica amei *_* saudade =x
ResponderExcluirGavin Degraw e Damien Rice são a sua cara!!
ResponderExcluirAmei a música também. *_*
Tô baixando aqui.
Hummm...qdo vc tiver um filho, batiza de Damien Degraw! rs
Linda música...tão bom encontrar alguém especial, não é? E claro, ser encontrado também por esse alguém!
Bobão... kkk.
ResponderExcluirEu diria que é ótimo encontrar alguém especial.